the FUTURVOICE in broadcasting on 3 PBS, Melbourne, Australia

3 PBS 106,7FM
( 47 Easey Street, Collingwood 3066, Victoria, Australia)
The Sound Barrier by Ian Parsons
The flag of futurism: Musica Futurista unfurls on The Sound Barrier
for Sunday 29 july 2018 - 10:00pm to 12:00am
About Italian Futurism in Music:
Playlist for Sunday 29 July 2018
The beginning of the future:
Musica Futurista on The Sound Barrier!
Tonight's playlist follows the usual order of listing composers first and then the name of the piece, followed by those of the performers, and then the details of the album, with the duration listed last.
Francesca Balilla Pratella | La Guerra | Daniele Lombardi (piano) | Musica Futurista: The Art of Noises | Salon | 8'37":
L'Aspettazione | 2'26"
La Battaglia | 2'55"
La Vittoria | 3'16"
Luciano Chessa | L'Acoustique Ivresse (Les Bruits De La Paix) | Nicholas Isherwood (bass); Trento Risuona Improvisation Orchestra; Luciano Chessa (conductor) | The Orchestra of Futurist Noise Intoners | Sub Rosa | 5'46"
Interview with Luciano Chessa (part one)
Luigi Russolo | Fragment From Risveglio Di Una Citta | Trento Risuona Improvisation Orchestra; Luciano Chessa (conductor) | The Orchestra of Futurist Noise Intoners | Sub Rosa | 1'11"
Luciano Chessa | Quattro Canzoni Su Testi Dell'autore | Luciano Chessa (voice); Erin Wang (cello); Andy Meyerson (celesta); Michael Williams (flute); Clio Tilton (viola); Bejamin Kreith (violin) | Petrolio | Stradivarius | 12'19":
Il Pedone Dell'Aria | 2'32"
Polinesiano | 2'17"
Carpe | 3'22"
Analfabeta | 4'08"
Interview with Luciano Chessa (part two)
Luciano Chessa | Il Velo | Luciano Chessa (instruments and voice) | Canti Felice | Skank Bloc Records | 3'01"
Luciano Chessa | VSTX MR200| Luciano Chessa (instruments and voice) | Canti Felice | Skank Bloc Records | 1'53"
F T Marinetti | Five Radio Sintesi | Daniele Lombardi | Musica Futurista: The Art of Noises | Salon | 13'07"
F T Marinetti/Ana Spasić | Bombardamento di Adrianopoli | Ana Spasić (voice) | FuturVoice | EMA Vinci | 7'51"
F T Marinetti | Parole in liberta | F T Marinetti | Musica Futurista: The Art of Noises | Salon | 3'39"
F T Marinetti/Ana Spasić | Sensibilitè Numerique | Ana Spasić (voice) | FuturVoice | EMA Vinci | 6'01"
Fortunato Depero/Gabriella Bartolomei | Canzone Rumorista (Ritmo cinese) | Gabriella Bartolomei (voice) | Musica Futurista (volume 4) (Scrittura vocale e voce) | Cramps Records | 3'27"
Luigi Russolo | Corale/Serenata | Luigi Russolo (Intonarumori) | Musica Futurista: The Art of Noises | Salon | 4'01":
Corale | 1'57"
Serenata | 2'34"