voice & video sculptures

"Senza fine, il seme - la radice - la foglia. Tutto sembra svettare da un sottosuolo inesplorato che s'innerva a un sole di pelle e fronde. Agli antipodi, un Giano bifronte sicuramente muoverà - maschile - tra foglie e riflessi, stessi gesti e stesse parole. Intendere, pretendere: ci sono alberi che hanno radici in aria: Tillandsia insiste, gesto persiste. La betulla, la luce di bosco. Grazie."
Gian Paolo Guerini 07.10.2019
Poetry by Vasilij Kandinskij
from "Sounds"
(Münichen, 1913)
Your pupils reflected my eyes.
- Does he still remember the tree?
- The birch tree?
The light of the evening star at the appointed hour comes.
Do you know when?
- The tree I saw he doesn't know.
- The tree grows in growing from hour to hour.
- And the fire destroys the dry leaves.
The bell tries to knock holes in the air.
And can't do it.
It is always caught.
- He can remember the tree. The tree trembled from underneath from its roots, to up above, to its crown.
- Oh!! The uppermost leaves.
- He still remembers the tree!!
- The birch tree.